Mark Asante Ofori

Mark Asante Ofori


Mark started his career in the wood and forestry sector 24 years ago.  He graduated with a degree in labour studies from Ghana's Cape Coast University in 2021 and during that period he worked as a plywood and plywood qualifier at Asuo Bomsadu Timbers, later becoming Deputy Director of Resources. 

Currently General Secretary of the Timber Workers' Guild union of TUC Ghana, Mark oversees the negotiation of contracts with employers on wage conditions, as well as discussions that involve major changes in the workplace. 

Some key achievements in Marks career include being a member of the Ghana Wood Validation Council as well as collaborating with the various actors in the industry to increase the recovery rate of logs (raw materials), which in turn increased the turnover rates of the industry.

During his service on the FSC International Board of Directors Mark will pursue his passion for forest preservation, protection and quality and help to drive recognition of the value of forests. He would like to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals as well as the promotion of partnerships with civil society. In particular, introduce relevant group and small-scale certification, where members work together on responsible forest management certification. Finally Mark would also like to pursue the agenda of projecting the image of tropical timber in the northern markets.